Funerals – How I Can Help Lower the Costs

A ceremony is about the deceased but it is for the living. Holding a ceremony can have a huge emotional impact on us when it comes to closure.

Funerals can come at a great cost but there are many things that you can do for yourselves to lower that cost.

For example the casket, the flowers, putting a slide show together, the venue, the catering. I have talked to clients who decided not to have a ceremony due to cost and it has left them reeling with regret and struggling for closure.

Most funeral homes will have a set fee for picking up the body, washing, embalming and preparing them for the funeral service. However, the more that you can do for yourselves as a family or group of friends, the more healing and cathartic that can be. For centuries people have gathered at funerals to share tasks and support one another. I always suggest leaving enough time before you have the service, up to 4-5 days. The first few days you will be in shock and making decisions can be difficult.

how to save on funeral costs nz


Above is a family photo of what we did when our Mum passed away. We budgeted for $10,000 and came in just under that even with all we did. Our experience of coming together was harmonious and healing, sharing tasks and just talking among ourselves about Mum. It was an honourable time.